Mary: Blessed Mother, Virgin, Immaculate, Madonna, Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, Theotokos. Never has nor ever will there be a woman known so universally yet by so many varied titles. The list above does not even begin to approach being exhaustive, as it neglects the multitude of titles inspired by Marian apparitions, such as Our Lady of Guadalupe or Our Lady of Lourdes.
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Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C. |
Why is it that Mary is shown such devotion among Catholics throughout the World? First, Mary was created as the ideal vessel through which God would become man. Before time, God had her in mind to become Theotokos, or "God-bearer." Unblemished in body and soul, she is the model for all women and the desire of all men.
Secondly, Mary is the epitome of absolute fidelity and faithfulness to the Lord. Imagine if today, amidst all your daily and long-term goals and desires, the Angel Gabriel paid you a visit. If he told you that your Lord has requested your life, through which He would bring about the salvation of all souls, now and forever, how would you respond? Personally, I would question the Lord's judgement! Yet, Mary, no more than a teenager at the time, replied, Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word. (Lk 1:38) Her reply shows the humble servitude we are all called to have before our Heavenly Father.
Even more amazing than her initial reply is her grace throughout the remainder of her time on Earth. How difficult it must have been to raise the Son of God! How difficult it must have been to present the Child Jesus at the Temple and hear the Prophet Saint Simeon profess, and a soul shall pierce through your own soul also. (Lk 2:35) How difficult it must have been when the prophecy was fulfilled and she watched her Son hang upon the cross, no longer as her Son, but rather as the Paschal Lamb sacrificed for all. And she too was transformed. For no longer was she just the Mother of Jesus; she is forever the Mother of God and Mother of the whole World.
All of this took place because Mary said yes to God's will over her own. How deeply our society would profit today if more followed the Blessed Mother's example. Too many are unwilling to sacrifice of themselves- their lifestyles, their possessions, their immoral desires- to obtain the pearl of great price that is eternal life. God calls us to freely give our being over to Him, as Mary did. Sadly, too often we flee from this call like the man in Matthew's Gospel flew from Jesus when He told him to give what he already owned in exchange for treasure in heaven. The man went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions. (Mt 19:21-22).
How can we ask Mary to help us become more sacrificial? The best way I have found is through a daily recitation of the rosary. The rosary has been called many things. Pope Adrian VI called it the scourge of the devil. Pope Paul V called it a treasure of graces. Joachim Cardinal Meisner called its prayers the New Testament and the Faith of the Church in Miniature. Perhaps most important of all, however, is the fact that when Mary appeared at Fatima, she did not introduce herself with our lofty titles for her such as "Queen of Heaven" or "Immaculate Mary". She said I am the Lady of the Rosary!
There are many creative ways that the rosary (which takes about 15-20 minutes to recite) can be fit into our busy days. One option is to say it before going to bed. Another is to say one while stuck in traffic. Or we can say one while we ride the subway or the bus. Personally, I enjoy saying mine while going for a walk. As I walk, I hold the rosary in my right hand, the beads dangling down inconspicuously along the side of my leg. While my intention is never to draw attention to my private prayer, it always amazes me how many passerbys notice and smile. I've been praying daily while walking for about a month month, since the weather has warmed up, and not once have I experienced a negative reaction to the rosary. That's the power of Mary!
On a final note, the rosary is a great devotion to do to ask Mary for her intercession for an intention. For example, yesterday a family member asked for my prayers on behalf of her mother. Later on in the day, a friend told me that her brother's friend had been killed in a car crash, and I prayed another rosary for consolation for her and all those effected by that tragedy. In addition to my early rosary for my own daily private intentions, that was a three rosary day; a terrific way to burn off all the extra calories I ate stressing over finals this past week!
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.Amen.I encourage you to join me in saying a rosary today, not for any particular intercession, but rather in thanksgiving that we have such a venerable Mother to laud on this day.
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